Unlimited Offer
In order to guarantee you optimal conditions of use, our unlimited offers are exclusively reserved for normal professional use. This normal use assures you an intensive use of the relevant services. Only in the event of fraudulent use (such as, among other things, commercial use of the contract or making it available to third parties, e.g. through hotspotting), unfair use, or, more generally, use that is not in accordance with the use that may be expected of a customer who concludes the contract for the relevant service(s) (such as, in particular, the use of the SIM card in devices other than mobile phones or smartphones, including in surveillance cameras or "gateway" devices), this will not be respected.
For example, in the cases below, your use will be considered fraudulent:
- You regularly make calls for more than 6 hours a day and/or 30 hours a week.
- You call regularly for more than 3 hours uninterrupted and/or with calls resuming immediately after interruption.
- You send more than 35 text messages per day and/or 1.000 text messages per month.
- Per month, you regularly consume 10 (or more) times more mobile data than the number of mobile data that all customers with an unlimited offer consume on average.
- Your mobile data consumption puts an abnormal burden on the network and/or can negatively affect the experience of other customers.
- In each of these cases, Destiny nv reserves the right to limit the provision of services or to suspend and/or terminate your contract.